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What can you do with SPURT in Zimbabwe?

Products and Services

Buy products and services with your SPURT

SPURT is of high value! You can buy products and services and partly pay in SPURT for them. Large companies are ready to accept SPURT for their products and services, but also small businesses, like the lady selling vegetables, can accept SPURT. You can start your own business and accept SPURT.
We will publish a list with businesses accepting SPURT for their products.
We want SPURT to have the biggest value for you, and that is when you can use it in your community to buy what you want.

SPURT as Barter

SPURT is to be used for BARTER in your community. There are many other currencies like SPURT in many other places of the world. They lift up the community and is largely accepted.

SPURT is a complementary currency, which means that it is working next to the currency of your country.

WHY did people start to work with local currencies? Your country is a good example.
ALL money you receive, much of which from family from abroad, is leaking out of the country immediately, because you have to buy almost ALL products outside your country. In fact, your family is, with that, supporting the country you buy in, let’s say South Africa, and NOT YOUR country.

Local currency is used locally, in YOUR country, to boost the economy and can be used several times, ideally 7 times, BEFORE you go outside your country and spend the money in THAT country. Your economy can never recover this way if all your money is leaking out of the country. It is the same as if your food would leave your body, without nourishing your body. You would die. And that is exactly what is happening in your country. Your country is dying because ALL the money coming in, is going out immediately. You are so USED to that,  that you cannot even THINK on being able to buy something in your country, produce things that you can buy in your country. YES, I know that some are really producing agriculture things, and that is GREAT, but it needs to be MORE, and those products need to be sold in SPURT.

Do you remember that Zimbabwe was the food supply for all Africa? Let us BE that again.

There needs to be an offer from products and services INSIDE your country. That is why we provide SPURT to new businesses. To people who create new ways to earn money. But when that SPURT is not USED, it is valueless for you AND your country. Even when SPURT would be exchangeable, it would not help your country, for you would continue to send your money abroad.

We need to start USING SPURT. You could say, you sit on a pile of gold, and do not USE it.

You think about SPURT as a fish thinks about water, which means not at all. They just swim in it. BUT we CAN use it!

What will you be ABLE to do in the future? 
We can support, with loans, clients willing to start a business for themselves. They will learn how to do that and learn how a good financial system will guarantee that the money is not lost and your business is profitable.

Your mobile App makes payments easy.

Pay it Forward
What can I do with SPURT in Zimbabwe?
Accepting SPURT for products and services

Revised 2020-06-10

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