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Pay it Forward

Did you ever see the beautiful film, where a little boy started to help three people and urged them also to do the same? Looking how you can help another person spread like fire and through HIS initiative, he changed a country.
Do you want to do that too? Your country would need it for sure!
Revised 2019-03-11

We are backing you!

But there is also this video we can all start to do TODAY

We KNOW not all people in Zimbabwe are jealous, not all people are greedy, but the ones that are, are making life hard for others. The ones that are could break Sound Prosperity if we let them.

That is why we call you all to do GOOD things. Look around you, WHERE can you be of help? Who can you help understanding Sound Prosperity? Who can you work with to make your world a better world?
If you are so lucky that you have a SPURT account now already, tell others about it.

We want to PAY FORWARD! 

If anyone is asking for money for anything connected to SPURT and SOUND PROSPERITY, you are speaking to the wrong person. Walk away.

We might ask SPURT, but you will also be able to earn that quickly.
If there are businesses, like an Internet Cafe in our offices, they can, of course, request payment for their services. You don't NEED their service to work with us. You could go to any other Internet Cafe.
How can we do that? Well, because so many helped us and worked hard to get us to a place where we can now Pay it Forward and give you an account for FREE.


What do you have to do? You have to take YOUR life in YOUR hands and help others to do the same.
We want you to delete the words greed, envy, jealousy, "what is in it for me"?, out of your vocabulary.
Help us change YOU.
Help us change Zimbabwe.
We do not just want to provide you SPURT. We want you to learn how you can USE it.

For that reason we want you to Pay it Forward!

Find three other friends, who want to learn what Sound Prosperity stands for with you.
Go to the Internet Cafe together and learn how you can earn SPURT! By doing that, you will get your account for FREE! They can do the same!

Help another person

ANOTHER way to Pay Forward is to support an old, sick or disabled person, or just a person who has no internet access, or is not able to study what Sound Prosperity and SPURT are all about. You are younger, you can look on the internet. You can help them understand.
Important to know though is that OLD or disabled persons who CANNOT WORK, DON'T NEED AN ACCOUNT! NOBODY needs to pay for an account. If people ask you to pay, run away. Those are profitors and lyers! We will, as soon as we CAN, start a fund to take care of those people. They do NOT need an account of themselves!! DO NOT SET UP ACCOUNTS FOR THEM.

Attitude of our clients

We want you to be KIND to each other, to be KIND to our staff, who are working HARD only earning SPURT. RESPECT our staff!
We want you to LIVE what you hear in the church each time:

"Do unto others as you want them to do unto you."

If you cannot treat our people with respect, you are not welcome in our community.
We have the greatest respect for what all workers on the ground accomplished with almost nothing to support them. Sound Prosperity and SPURT are know until your government, thanks to them. Let we bless the people who helped us reach that goal!

Find out how you want YOUR life to be, to get an account and be part of our community.

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