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How to check your account

To check your account, you go to and click on Login in the right hand corner. You are directed to the banking part of This is You can go here directly too.

You use your ACCOUNT number to login and the password you provided. In case you did NOT provide a password yourself, please go to FORGOT Password under Login and request a password.

Directly after you logged in, you will see the overview of your account balance at the left hand side. When you click on that, you see your balance, but you also have seen it next to the icons.

We prepared instructions on how to work with your account.

The button Pay User speaks for itself.
If you want SPURT on your mobile, here is the information on the App.

We need your help.

During the mass new clients some things went wrong.
We need you to make corrections in case your account is not correct. Please help us.

In the above link, instructions, you can see how you can edit your profile.

  1. Click on Edit, next to your number.
  2. Go to Addresses. 
  3. Click on Edit at the bottom. 
  4. Add your name correct in the FIRST line, where you see NAME.
  5. Check at the bottom if you have the correct country.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Go to Phone.
  8. Do you see your phone number with your correct country info before it? It should look like +263 7xxxxxxxx If you see only 07xxxxxx please change the 0 for +263
  9. Please add your ID number and your birthday.
Please read all information on this blog to profit maximal from SPURT.
Revised 2020-06-10

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