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SPURT nor Sound Prosperity are providing Debit Cards

There seem to be educators who use the names of the people in their SPURT-sheet and offer them a solution for a Debit Card, which they have to PAY for.
These educators, while known as Sound Prosperity educators, are trusted by their people and for that reason, the SPURT clients THINK the cards are from Sound Prosperity and or SPURT. This is MISUSE of our system and


Sound Prosperity nor SPURT have NOTHING to do with any Debit Card, also not one from Telecash, and we have no connection at all with Consolidated Business Ideas.

Please be aware that neither Sound Prosperity nor SPURT are asking ANY money from ANYONE for ANYTHING!!

If we notice that any of our educators is going out to any of the people on their sheets and tell them to join this debit card scheme, we WILL take steps. 
We cannot forbid you to ask OTHER people money for things you yourself might get rich by but for sure not those people, who we heard need to pay 100$ a month, although we would expect that you would want to protect the name of Sound Prosperity and SPURT.

Sound Prosperity and SPURT are not connected at all to this 
Debit Card scheme.
We advise all our clients to stay away from it and report the educator presenting this to them.

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