An educated person is willing to work with the Sound Prosperity organization, and SPURT and is living in an underdeveloped country, to with all his or her heart to make the country better, to make the community better.
This person is willing to learn during 60 days about a change of mind and on how SPURT is working and what Sound Prosperity is offering.
After the 60 day training another 60 day training is the start for a totally changed mindset and HEARTset!
You can also see OTHER options below.
This is nothing for people looking for a JOB. It is for inspired people or people that want to be inspired. It is for people who want to change their lives and take control.
We developed a form, where we ask you to draw from yourself a picture so well that we NEED to take you in the classes. Only very few will be invited for the classes.
Here is the form:
This person is willing to learn during 60 days about a change of mind and on how SPURT is working and what Sound Prosperity is offering.
After the 60 day training another 60 day training is the start for a totally changed mindset and HEARTset!
You can also see OTHER options below.
This is nothing for people looking for a JOB. It is for inspired people or people that want to be inspired. It is for people who want to change their lives and take control.
We developed a form, where we ask you to draw from yourself a picture so well that we NEED to take you in the classes. Only very few will be invited for the classes.
Here is the form: