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Showing posts from July, 2019

Teams and how to handle backlogs in payment for the TEAMS only!

To Educators how to register their teams . We will NOT pay anyone nor any team for 2019 anymore.  If you have teams, and they have NO account yet, please open accounts for them. There is an empty space, most of the time, with the name of the team but not yet their number. Add the number. You see here a link to an example sheet where you can see how you have to work with the sheet You see the account number in line 4. You see payments in Column L You click on the Summery Sign You do that for all teams for each month. If there is no room for a new team name, go to the first person of that team and click left and on add line (or how it is called with you). Now you start adding the Team lines that need to be paid, because they were empty in the normal payment sheet, by copying and pasting the WHOLE line by going to the 4, 9, 14 as example here. When you want to cal...