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THAT is our Moonshot for 2021, 

Abundance for All

 At the end of a year, people tend to think back on the past year. What was good, what could have been better. People might have lost loved ones, and babies were born. What do we plan for the future?

We might have forgotten that we are the happiest when we think about just now. Not what happened yesterday, a minute ago, or what will happen tomorrow. It gives us peace. No worries. No regrets.

When we think of now, we see many people's happy faces being able to buy the daily things they need for life with SPURT, or (partially) with SPURT. We see the beautiful things offered for SPURT.

But we also see many angry faces. People who were told that Sound Prosperity provided donations and not only in SPURT, but even USD. Lies.
We have seen angry faces because they took their last money for these valueless SPURT accounts in their eyes.

We realize that too many of our educators did not bring the lessons we provided, and too many of them saw a chance to get money. This is very sad and is damaging the good educators. We decided we cannot continue this way. This is a disease in our organization that we need to cut out radically.

Sound Prosperity was set up to bring Abundance to people, offer them to start a business, grow their community, and change their minds to be self-responsible. Now, with the new year ahead, we ask you to join us in our dream to make the world a better place.

To create a better future, you must be able to BUILD on people you can trust. It is sad to say that we cannot be sure who we can trust. That caused us to decide to change ALL we did until now, starting January first, 2021. We will provide information step by step in the next days via WhatsApp.

Remember, our DREAM, our HOPE, our WILLINGNESS for all of you is to have a better life.

To help you all to remember that we ask you to join us to pray, dream, joy, think each morning at the same time so that we have a loud voice and great intention.

We ask you to join at your home, or where you are as teams, at the whole hour at 6 AM, 7 AM, 8 AM, and/or 9 AM at any of these times, convenient to you, or, if you wish at all these times. Be in your mind with us with great intention that the SPURT in your account is ALIVE! SEE IT! It supports you, bringing you joy and happiness. See, in your mind, that it is happy, life spending, joyful, smiling!
We are with tens of thousands of people, and when we join this way, we WILL change things for all of you and your country and all over the world when we INTENT to USE SPURT. We INTENT to make our lives better.

Ask for ways to be shown to you, to any of you, and be joyful!
When you join at 6 AM with those who can be there, even if only in our mind, or at 7 AM, or 8 AM or perhaps with a group at 9 AM each day at least till the end of January, hopefully much longer we are convinced that our lives will be better, for this is what scripture is telling us. At least once a day.

Let us JOIN in prayer AND take ACTION!


We will share all you should have known already and all new rules we set up this week to make it possible for you to get the right, truthful information. But we need your help! We need your intent for a better life.

IMAGINE SPURT dancing, joyful, happy in your account WILLING to be used, WILLING to make your life better. Please ALLOW it to support you!
Thank you! Thank God. Thank all honest people willing to support us to make your life better without asking for your cash! (Since we never pay (and paid) in money, we allow VERY SMALL amounts for data.)

When you start your day, ASK: How can I today use SPURT, My Lord?
How can I today be a blessing using my SPURT?

Let us start all over again and see the information you will receive in WhatsApp. Be sure to have MySPURT added to your contacts. We do NOT take calls.

Also, make sure your team members join this chat! to be Motivated for SP and to be ready to join all there offered lessons. We will also add there the new information for all people to KNOW what Sound Prosperity and SPURT are offering. If you are already in the Chatgroup for Motivated, you do not need to join this group. There are several Motivated for SP chats because we have thousands of people joining us. ALL of you join ONE of the Motivated chats, please! 

BE AWARE: We ask you please to not write only in English; otherwise, we cannot answer your questions. Please also do NOT write unnecessary things like Noted, Thanks, or any like that for hundreds of people checking their phone for each message.
This chat is a MOTIVATION chat, meaning we will NOT allow negative information. This chat can NOT be used for advertisements of any kind. You risk being removed from the chat by misuse.

You can also join this group if all are full

Let's start in 2021 with HONEST information!

Irene and Team




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